Watch the video for Quicksand’s new single “Inversion”

The reformed post-hardcore group continues with the hazy, informal sound of they brought to life on “Interiors”


I remember seeing a video of one of Quicksand’s reunion shows and being bummed on it. They were playing songs off “Slip” (1993) but Walter’s musical interests had clearly moved to a new place (a reasonable development) and hearing his more melodious delivery on those “early 20’s broken bottle songs” just felt totally wrong and seemed to remove all of the darkness from that material (who knows, maybe that’s a good thing). So I was apprehensive about hearing a new album from them — especially knowing that it was written without Tom Capone — and was surprised by how much I loved it. 2017’s Interiors was the result of a new band — fuzzier, more melodic, maybe a bit more abstract or averse to traditional song structures. I thought it was funny that my favorite Quicksand LP sounded nothing like Quicksand (kinda like Hum and that new record that sounded nothing like Hum and everything like Torche). The new single “Inversion” picks up right where Interiors left off — blending noise and melody in a quick two-and-a-half-minutes.

It comes accompanied by some great weirdo visuals by Tetsunori Tawaraya.