Wet Tropics showcase a raw and playful approach to post-punk on “Tragic Accidents”


Wet Tropics takes the familiar qualities of post-punk—clean lines, simple melodies and a ton of space—but injects it with something really raw and more fun than is expected. This band started out as a solo project by John Rejba (bassist in legendary 90s emo groups Boys Life and a personal favorite of mine the short-lived Farewell Bend) that has evolved into a trio with Krystal Smith on drums and Justin Watts playing bass. I don’t know if this song was written prior to Full-Band-Activation but the simplicity of it is definitely a big part of its charm. I wasn’t expecting this song to explode into rock in the way it does but it feels natural. Very cool record.

“Tragic Accidents” is from a split 7” with shoegaze outfit Sleepwalk which is also quite good but we keep it simple here on Early Ambient so no 2-bands-in-one-post deals.

Spotted via New Noise