Ian Anderson of the Designers Republic picks his 10 best record covers


the Designers Republic have been influencing culture through record covers pretty much since the start (founded back in 1986) and its about time they got a book (Its called AZTDR and its published by pretty much the best design publisher ever Unit Editions). To celebrate Unit asked founder Ian Anderson to select his 10 favorite tDR sleeves (out of the 5,000 plus designed by the studio over the last 30 years).

Here’s a couple of ’em:

Autechre — Oversteps (Warp Records, 2010)

If I had to have a favourite, this would be it. Seventy-two attempts to draw a perfect circle as an analogous morality tale of the human condition in the context of the digital world we've created — like parents trying to understand the children who've risen up against them.


Autechre — Chiastic Slide (Warp Records, 1997)

First expression of 3D>2D idea inspired by my first NYC trip — swapped perspective skyscrapers reduced to barcodes and random shapes, NASA control centre reduced to grids, white goods graveyard extruded and compressed as distant (post-Amber) mountains, metallics, spot-UVs and a Photoshop-built and demolished font. Vectors and pixels and hidden prints.


See the rest of them (and order the book) at Unit Editions.