Frankie Spears skates to Neurosis in new Alien Workshop ad

Frankie jumps on and over rails in “Lord, Save Frankie spears” in a classIC workshop edit


I’ve been looking forward to new Workshop videos. The simpler graphics and editing of the Bunker-era feel more unified with the board art than has been the case since, maybe, Photosynthesis (e.g. Mindfield had amazing motion graphics but the board graphics from that period were — IMHO — terrible). The other cool thing about their post-Mindfield output is seeing what they’re gonna use for music. This time around we get a doomy Neurosis & Jarboe track.

And then there’s the skating. Frankie Spears isn’t a favorite yet but I do enjoy each thing he puts out just a bit more than the last and all these tricks are heavy. It’s also cool to see him outside of NYC and hitting up all these shitty office parks and strip malls.