Tonie Joy is back with Rogue Conjurer


I have been waiting for new Tonie Joy music for 19 years and somehow I missed when something finally dropped 10 months ago. Despite the late arrival Rogue Conjurer is exactly what I’ve been expecting from Mr. Joy. After the disbanding of Universal Order of Armageddon each of his projects has stripped away more and more of the hardcore while moving closer to being a pure metallic psyche rock outing.


This seemed like the logical conclusion with his 7-piece band Slow Bull (only documentation is a handful of clips on YouTube) but Rogue Conjurer feels like the most pure form of his vision.

The 2 songs on this 8" lathe release from Damien Records could be mistaken for new The Convocation Of* material except where that band hinged on those thick basslines, these are driven by guitar and supported by the drums (handled by UOA singer Colin Seven) and keys. His vocals are still front and center (just better than ever) but decidedly free of swagger, and that’s probably the thing that keeps his bands from being some pastiche of 70s rock. Tonie Joy may be, like, the one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet but he doesn’t act like it (which probably makes him the definition of cool).

*His perpetually looking for a bass player band from 1998 to 2016.

**Also he’s still the king of naming bands.

Listen to the EP below and follow Rogue Conjurer on Instagram.